Sunday, May 2, 2010


It's 12 midnight and I am yet asleep. Usually I am asleep between 10-11pm. I don't know what my problem is tonight. I feel myself getting more tired, just not enough to go to sleep. I took some pain medicine earlier for a knee injury cause the knee was hurting pretty badly and then my other bedtime meds and yet here I sit, still awake.

Maybe it's because I am concerned about the weather headed this way tonight and especially tomorrow. I feel bad for the folks south of us (TN, ARK, etc) who have had major flooding and numerous tornadoes. God Bless them and may they get the help that they need.

I am seeing an ortho doc first thing Monday morning about the knee. It has been a pain (literally) in butt. I hope that we can start to find some answers on Monday. I have been dealing with this for 5 weeks and am tired of it.

The nephews are here tonight. They are growing so fast and yet are so darling and cute. I just love being around them and they always brighten my day, no matter how bad I am feeling or whatever. They are great boys and going to be tall!!

Been going to Victory Life Church here in town. I absolutely love it. I enjoy the praise and worship time and the pastor. I am always learning something new each service I attend, which is good. I am in my Bible more and praying more, which is good too. I feel myself growing spiritually even though I have been there just a short time. God Bless ya'll there at Victory Life.

Please pray for my brother. He has to leave very early in the morning to go on a trip for work (at least they get to fly this time) and will be gone all week till Thursday afternoon. Pray for his safety in travel and the work that they need to do, pray that it will all go smoothly. Pray for his family as he is gone. Keep them safe and secure and no major things happen. Just ask that God let them know that He is with each one of them watching over them safely and securely. Thanks.

I guess I had better go for now. Battery is running down and I've unplugged everything because of the storms coming. Catch ya'll later.

Good Night ( I hope) everyone. It's pouring the rain here again! Fun. Enjoy the music anyway.

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