Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

Today is Veteran's Day. In Canada, its called Rememberance Day. Its also known as Armistice Day for the end of WWI (1918).

Today, you should pause and remember those who have served our country before now; those who are serving now; and those who will serve in the future. You should remember the living and the dead.

Most of all, you should pause and remember what these veterans did for you and for me. For the freedom that they fought, and died, for here in our country and overseas. You should say a prayer for all of them, but especially for those who are serving now.

And remember, thank a veteran today. Thank him or her for their service and ask that God will bless them.

May God Bless this Great Nation! And God Bless our Veterans!

American Anthem, Sung by Norah Jones

For 75 Seconds

Veteran's Salute: Freedom Isn't Free

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